Achievement and Integration
If you read the article in SunThisWeek 5/12/23, you were led to believe that ISD 192 approved the Achievement and Integration (A&I) Plan ; we didn’t. The plan was merely presented. I’ve heard repeatedly from multiple sources on both sides of the continuum that it’s essentially free money. Sure perhaps, but I want to be sure that we are steering funds to our learners and direct instructional time , not to increase bureaucracy, racism and pay consultants that don't align with our strategic framework. ISD 192 qualified for additional Achievement and Integration revenue based on being designated as a racially isolated district. 171 school districts (of a total of 331) in Minnesota have A&I plans. Based on school year 2022-23 fall enrollment data, Farmington is considered a racially isolated district under Minnesota’s School Desegregation/Integration rules. A racially isolated school district is one in which district-wide enrollment of protected studen...